It's Hell to Choose Read online

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  “This group, this TQB Enterprises, must have even more technologies if they can move shipping containers to the moon!” Johann continued.

  The room held sixteen people. This room was in the basement of the Waldorf-Astoria. They used it whenever they needed to step away from the United Nations and meet offsite. It wouldn’t be odd for any of them to have a meeting here individually, so the choice of location was not something that would raise any red flags.

  Sixteen nations were represented in the group. These representatives were connected to some of the most powerful, or most influential, countries in the world. None of these people had direct personal power, but acted as behind-the-scene movers and shakers focused on the interests of their respective countries.

  “And how,” Ms. Stephanie Lee asked, “do you intend to encourage them to supply what technologies they have?”

  Johann considered the question. “What leverage do we hold?” he asked. “It isn’t like this is the first time we have come up against an entity which wasn’t already a member.”

  “That,” Eugene Guarran said, “might be true. However, we have never tried to go against this group.”

  Johann waved that away, “So what? We represent the combined might of twenty-two percent of the gross national product of the sixteen top countries in the world and their allies.” He took a breath but Eugene cut him off.

  “Did you do research on TQB?” he asked, “Just curious.”

  Johann shrugged, “I’ll admit I did not. I’ve had issues settling down three congressmen and one highly upset senator this weekend. I know that part of our ability to stay relevant in the short term for two of our requested projects is going to be dependent on our ability to, um, acquire access to this technology.” He finished lamely.

  Anna Elisabeth Hauser interjected, “I will provide some information, and only this much.” All heads turned to the representative of the most secretive member of the group. “Because it will be on pain of death if I am ever found out to have spoken this truth. Is this understood?”

  The light-skinned lady with the long blond hair looked into each eye to make sure she got a head nod. She didn’t expect any of them to listen to her, but she had to try. In her country, there were whispers about a shadowy group in the highest areas of power. She had a glimpse of the elusive leader of TQB Enterprises and hadn’t been able to shake the feeling she had seen the lady before.

  At three o’clock this morning, she had bolted up in bed and hurried to put on a housecoat. She made a special, secure request to confirm the facts of an incident which had happened years before in her country.

  Anna Elisabeth had sought information on a bank heist. Not a successful one, but a crime where the criminals had been captured, but nobody knew how it had been stopped. The bank videotapes had mysteriously been erased. Yet, no one had ever been brought up on charges for failing to supply the police with the evidence.

  She had seen a picture of a woman leaving with a hat shading her face. It was the jawline that she remembered. Poised, it was confident, it was determined.

  Her name had been on the list of those interviewed.

  There could only be one answer to this question, and it scared Anna Elisabeth beyond reason. She had discounted these rumors ever since she had heard them back in her country. She had risen to this level of responsibility because she didn’t scare easily. Oh, she knew the power and strength of respect for those more influential than her, and those more desperate. But that was all aspects of the great game.

  Now, this caused her blood to feel like it was turning to ice. It had taken her eighteen years to get into this position, and she was about to throw it away in a futile gesture to warn fifteen others who she had worked with secretly. This conversation was going to be debated for weeks and months, or perhaps, years. If the former, then these idiots were going to ignore her. If the latter, then they will have learned enough to use caution.

  Because with some entities, a bigger stick isn’t the answer.

  With all eyes on her, she started what she considered her farewell speech.

  “There is a group known in our country for over a thousand years; a group that is never addressed. It has been stated that those in power will kill those underneath them if necessary to keep this secret.”

  Now she had all of their attention. When you are known for your secrets, it doesn’t take much to keep attention when you admit you are spilling one.

  “While I have never heard of such a killing myself, I would not be surprised if it had happened in centuries past. This group has much influence and holds incredible wealth across many countries and in many lands throughout the world. Individually, they each hold controlling interests in many of the economies in my nation and many of yours.”

  “Surely you spin a great tale.” Johann interrupted, “If there were still such a secret society, we would know about it!”

  Anna Elisabeth just stared at Johann. Not only because he was an arrogant prick, but because he compounded that attitude with rudeness. Johann felt that the power of those he represented defined his own authority, never understanding his position as a simple figurehead. Anna Elisabeth had always recognized her similar position and had sought to be the best representative that she could be.

  Until now.

  She had been able to piece together what had happened at that bank and knew that the rumors, the stories, the whispers were true.

  “Sorry,” he finally mumbled.

  “I cannot tell you much, but I can inform you that if you choose to do something drastic, then expect severe consequences in response. This group makes the Israelis’ eye-for-an-eye attitude seem plebian.” She looked around the table, “I share this because if TQB Enterprises is in an alliance with these people, then your directors are not safe. Your people are not safe, and I dare say your countries are not safe.”

  At this Johann and two others around the table chuckled.

  Well, that was the best she could do and still keep her head. “As is my right, rarely employed by my country, I ask for a table vote on whether you intend to acquire TQB Enterprise technology through whatever means necessary?”

  “Whatever means,” Stephanie said, “Doesn’t always mean force, Anna.”

  Anna turned to Stephanie Lee and smiled, “You will not receive the technology any other way from this group. I require a vote right now whether the group will approve using force to acquire this technology.”

  In her country, Ms. Lee would be open to being more circumspect to the question. But she had learned in this group, her country’s long history was little understood and even less appreciated. She raised her hand while staring at Anna, “All the way to force.”

  Fourteen other hands rose up around her. Anna Elisabeth shrugged and moved her chair back. “Then I wish you the best of luck on your peaceful negotiations.” She picked up her notebook and tablet and pushed her chair back under the table.

  “Can you give us any other hints?” Johann asked. She looked over at his face holding a smirk as if she was the little girl at school running from a scary story.

  Fuck them all, she thought. She turned her head towards the group as she started for the door, “Yes. Don’t screw with the Archangel.”

  She opened the door and stepped through. They could hear the click-clack of her steps on the stone floors as she walked away.


  The base had grown from the original seven containers to fifteen. Six of them were double stacks that had been welded together on Earth before transport to the moon. Now, they had twice the space in the three forty-foot-long and sixteen-foot wide rooms.

  They helped for get-togethers like this.

  “What I’m saying, boss,” Coach stated as he stood up in front of everyone who was watching him try to manipulate two forks. “Is that we plan on connecting everything for five containers long, then one at the side to angle up ninety degrees. Then we use another one positioned at the end, attached to the side. With that sec
ond container, we go back the way from which we came. The middle container of the five has a side as well to allow us to connect across at will. BUT, that assumes we have a new type of connector. One that just plugs in and locks through force, no screwing in or twisting to finish. We won’t have the ability to make that turning motion.”

  “Pretty much a one-way connection,” William said from the monitor on the wall.

  “I can have you the design in the next half-hour, William.” Adarsh piped in. “I’ve been working on something similar for the last couple of weeks to discuss with you. However, it has a special release from both sides; it isn’t permanent.”

  “That would be fantastic!” Bobcat called out, “If we built a small chamber with two of these, we could do some sort of universal connector that helps with ship-to-ship transfer through the atmosphere. Have a ship connect, pipe in the air, a person steps through, suck the air back out and disengage.”

  Penn thought about it. “It would be easier than these little screw actions we are doing right now.”

  Adarsh had been feverishly working on his tablet, “Ok, William. I sent you what I have so far. As soon as this meeting is over, maybe the two of us can talk it out?”

  “Works for me.” William agreed.

  After further discussion, the teams broke up to figure out how to best handle another one hundred plus containers.

  It would be, Penn mused, the World's Ugliest Space Station. Considering it was only the third in existence, there would be plenty of opportunity for something uglier to come along and knock it off of its podium.


  University just outside of Philadelphia, Pa

  “I’m telling you, James; this shit is getting real!” Nick looked at his computer screen scrolling through the messages in the chat room. “TxSatan99 is saying that he knows of three verified takedowns in France outside of Paris. One of the guys over there says he was told by one of the police officers he knows that MyNam3isADAM started printing shit out on the cops’ own printers!”

  Nick looked over the rim of his laptop screen at his friend who was staring at his laptop display, “God, can you imagine? This guy not only finds the dirt, but he also hacked the cops own network to print the proof.”

  Nick shook his head and looked back down, “Woo! Satan says there is a reward for anyone who can figure out who MyNam3isADAM is by those he is after. The reward just got moved up to 30 bitcoin.”

  “Shit,” James replied, “That’s only like fifteen thousand dollars right now. There’s no way I’d turn in ADAM for any money. Besides, what kind of name is ‘Satan’ anyway?”

  Nick shrugged, “I asked him, and he said Texas is hot as hell in the summer, so it seemed appropriate.” Nick kept reading the messages, “I’m not saying I want him caught. I’m saying that there is a bounty on him.”

  Nick looked up from his screen and reached over to snap his fingers in front of his friend's face. James looked up annoyed, “What the hell?”

  “Do you think he wants help?” Nick asked.

  “Who?” James replied.

  “Adam!” He pointed to his screen, “This is bullshit.”

  James scrunched up his face, “What the hell are you talking about? Is this another drop-the-shit-on-me and then run around the block thing for you?”

  “No. Look, that was back in high-school! You should let it go, I did,” Nick said.

  James leaned back in his chair, “That’s because you weren’t left holding the evidence when the cops came charging in. You know how hard it was to explain all of our computer equipment wasn’t hacking stuff?”

  Nick grinned, “Yes, you have given me the play-by-play at least forty-two times in the last four years.” He spread his arms, “Besides, you got out of it! I would have been stuttering and busted.”

  “You shouldn’t have been trying to co-opt the school's wireless to change your fucking grades,” James told him.

  “Whatever. So, answer my question,” Nick said.

  James gawked at his friend, “You want to know if one of the preeminent hackers on the planet right now, who has a price on his head, wants you to help him?”

  “Well, say it that way and it seems a little far-fetched.” Nick turned back to his screen, “Fuck it.”

  “Wait, what ‘fuck it’?” James began to get worried as Nick continued typing and didn’t answer him. He stood up and walked around the little card table in the dorm room they shared to look over his friend’s shoulder.

  “Oh, that ‘fuck it’,” he responded.

  TQB Base – Colorado, USA

  >> Bethany Anne?<<<br />

  Bethany Anne was grabbing her suit coat and slipping on her Christian Louboutin’s. John was outside the door to her suite, and it was approaching the time she needed to get to the meeting with the lawyers.

  >>I’ve run across a situation I wasn’t prepared for.<<<br />
  Really? Like what?

  >> My hacker persona is getting requests from people asking if they can help me. <<<br />
  Bethany Anne stopped slipping her shoes on. What?

  >>I have been receiving more and more requests from people on the dark web to see if they can help me.<<<br />
  She finished putting on her shoes and stood up. She moved around and pushed a chair under a table. It had a pair of Michael’s pants neatly folded and hanging across the back. The man was so neat it was like he came from a Neiman Marcus magazine – ‘Perfect Male. Wise in years, Young Body, Cleans Up After Himself.’

  He had left over an hour ago to mind read and give her his impression of the teams before she went into her meeting with the sharks.

  How many?

  >> Sixteen at this time.<<<br />
  You have sixteen hackers who are seeking you out to see if you need help?

  >>Yes. They want to join in the ADAM Revolution. <<<br />
  Wait! What Revolution? You and TOM haven’t started anything have you?

  >>No. This was not part of my plan. I can see where they could be useful as I am dealing with more than I counted on with the stock market efforts. But I don’t know your expectations and whether having additional help is a good solution.<<<br />
  Did you want me to help ADAM start a Revolution?

  Hell-to-the-No, TOM! You two did enough with China. Lord almighty! If it ever came out that an AI and alien-backed dark web-enhanced hacker group was trying to affect society … Oh, I just shudder to think about the PR debacle from that.

  Bethany Anne stopped for a moment and added before opening her door, And the crap Cheryl Lynn would give me for releasing you two to do it!

  But, it’s OK for just ADAM to play?

  Bethany Anne nodded to John and finished her thought.

  I cannot believe I’m saying this, but yes. ADAM – keep me up to date with what is going on with the people, but you can communicate.


  The lawyers from Mill, Sethy, and Brimer followed Cheryl Lynn down the hall. All of them passed a sharply-dressed man lounging in the hallway. Their guide nodded her head, “Michael.” He nodded his head to her as the men stepped around him. Mr. Mill and Sethy nodded their head politely to him, while Brimer ignored him altogether.

  They were a couple of minutes behind the team from Thuresson and Guaran, and they had noticed Jakob Yadav pulling up in his older silver Mercedes Benz E350 behind them.

  Like them, Yadav had come himself. Thuresson and Guaran were rumored to have sent a pinch-hit team.

  Apparently, Thuresson and Guaran hadn’t done their homework.

  This account could easily add tens of millions to the coffers of their practice, and among the three firms, they had over one hundred and twenty years of legal experience. They felt pretty assured that there wasn’t anything this group could throw at them that they wouldn’t be able to handle.

  This was it, the final round that had started quickly in the last two weeks.

  The three men were shown into the large meeting room, and all of them were surprised at the
display of sophistication. The room was more of a small amphitheater with four levels of desks and screens and a large conference table at the bottom.

  Thuresson and Guaran had five members already seated down at the first level of desks on the left. Mill, Sethy, and Brimer were shown the chairs to the right on the first level.

  Brimer smiled, that meant Yadav would probably get a second-row seat.

  When she got back to the entrance, Cheryl Lynn found Jakob Yadav waiting for her. He was dressed in a simple three-piece suit and had a fashionable gold pocket watch and chain. Cheryl Lynn found it cute. The man had already taken his hat off inside the office, and he was bald and had a somewhat large nose. He reminded her of the legendary NY Yankee manager Yogi Berra.


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