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It's Hell to Choose Page 3

  “Hello,” He reached out to shake her hand. “Pleased to meet you. I’m Jakob Yadav. I was asked to attend, but I have to be honest. I wasn’t planning on taking any customers.” He shrugged, pointed to his bare head and smiled, “Brain is good, but some cold mornings it takes more than one cup of coffee to get going!”

  “Well,” Cheryl Lynn said, “as far as I know, they want you for your mind, not your body.” The twinkle in his eye assured Cheryl Lynn that Mr. Yadav had not lost any of his sense of humor.

  “If you would follow me?” He nodded his agreement and grabbed his yellow pad and a pen and started to follow her down the hall. She nodded to Michael again, but was caught by surprise when Mr. Yadav called out from behind her.

  “You are Mr. Michael, are you not?”

  Cheryl Lynn turned to see the two men shaking hands and Michael replying, “I am.”

  “Good to meet you, my name is Jakob Yadav. Those hooligans getting snapshots of you and Ms. Bethany Anne when you have been on your dates have to be a right pain. If I were younger, I think I might risk getting thrown in the pokey after taking a swing at those bastards.” Mr. Yadav released Michael’s hand and then leaned forward to gently poke him in the chest and leaned back again. “If you happen to punch one, call me. I’ll consider it a public service and I’ll represent you for free.”

  Michael smiled at the much younger man whose body was rapidly getting away from him.

  “I’ll tell you what,” Michael answered, “Next chance I get I will deck one of them. But it isn’t with the police I’ll need your intercession, but rather my girlfriend.” He winked to Jacob, “She tends to frown at unnecessary violence.”

  “Hmph” he replied. “They are rude. They are taking pictures when you are having a private dinner and it is certainly a justification for violence. At least in my day it was.”

  Michael smiled and turned towards Cheryl Lynn, a gleam in his eye. “My day as well Jakob; why don’t we go sit down together and hear what the group is going to say?”

  Jakob then turned to walk with Michael. The two of them stepped around the stupefied Cheryl Lynn in the hallway.

  She turned her head and watched as the two men disappeared through the doors leading into the conference room. Looking back towards where her work waited for her, she shrugged her shoulders and turned to follow the two men.

  Michael wasn’t expected to be a part of the meeting. That he invited himself along was an indication that exciting times might lay ahead, and Cheryl Lynn would need to know the details for when Giannini grilled her later!

  New York – New York, USA

  “Sir, Nathan and Ecaterina are here to see you.” Gerry’s secretary informed him. He punched the speaker button, “Thank you, Ashley. Please send them in.”

  Gerry finished the email he was working on and stood up as the door to his office opened and Nathan stepped in, followed by his mate Ecaterina. Both smiled at him, and they met in the middle of his large office. He shook Nathan’s hand and hugged Ecaterina briefly. “Couch or desk?” He asked.

  “I am thinking the couch,” she replied pulling on Nathan’s arm and changing Nathan’s direction. “These shoes are beautiful, but they are not comfortable.” She rubbed Nathan’s back in passing and Gerry tried to keep the smirk off of his face.


  He sighed inwardly, he was happy for Nathan. He was getting up in age, he shouldn’t be jealous of Nathan’s happiness. Now that the politics had been reduced substantially by Bethany Anne he might have the time to look around one last time for a significant other. Probably a human woman as a Were lady would outlive him.

  The couple sat down on his small couch and Gerry asked if they wanted anything. Nathan replied that he would like a Scotch, but Ecaterina demurred. Gerry raised an eyebrow to Nathan, who shook his head and slightly shrugged his shoulders.

  That was interesting, Gerry thought. “Perhaps a water with lemon?” She agreed and Gerry made their drinks and handed them out. He made a gin and tonic for himself and sat down.

  “So,” Gerry started, “how did the recruiting run go?”

  “Too well, perhaps,” Nathan replied.

  Gerry was surprised, “What? That’s kind of shocking. I figured with the fall-out from the last council meeting, there would be a lot of bullshit cock-blocking of the recruiting effort.”

  “Oh, they tried that in the beginning.” Ecaterina agreed, “But it didn’t work very well.”

  Gerry looked back over to Nathan for an answer.

  “You really didn't hear any news?” Nathan asked and then was surprised when Gerry grinned. “Who would have thought you would take so well to not being the top guy?” Nathan mused.

  Gerry shrugged, “I was mostly taking the responsibility to keep a lid on anything Michael would do again. That massacre made an impression on me. Since Bethany Anne is heading things, I feel comfortable relaxing on this. Plus, you are my contact. If they have a problem with you, well shit – they can just complain to you!”

  “You sneaky bastard, you turned off your phone!” Nathan accused.

  “Not true” he replied quickly. “I shunted anything but a couple of people off to voice mail.” He took a sip of his drink. “So, back to how you got them to get in line.”

  Ecaterina cut in, “He grew furry and picked both of the alphas up and growled right in their faces. It was an exciting moment for many, I assure you.” She grinned, “The younger crowd got so excited about seeing a Pricolici that anything the alphas said went right out their ears.” She made a gesture with her hand, “Poof!”

  Gerry chuckled, “Discussion through Intimidation? I thought Bethany Anne was a kinder, gentler influence on you?”

  Nathan smiled, “That was Ecaterina, who told me to ‘get this dick-beating over with, it bores me’.”

  Ecaterina blushed when both men leaned towards each other and high-fived as they laughed loudly. She interrupted their howling with, “I just asked myself what Bethany Anne would say…” That didn’t help at all, now they were practically rolling out of their chairs. Finally, she stood up, “I think I will go talk to Ashley for a moment while you two boys get this out of your system.”

  Nathan reached under to push her up more quickly and she popped his hand when she was standing, then winked at him, “Promises, promises!” She stepped out of the room, and the two men turned back to each other.

  “So,” Gerry asked, “turn into a Pricolici and everything is good?”

  Nathan grimaced, “Not quite that easy. Having to fight the rage that occurs when in that form is a challenge. It isn’t an option you want to provide to just any idiot with the raw ability. I’m a little surprised that Peter handles it so well.”

  “Peter?” Gerry asked.

  “Yes, John started calling him Peter and said that Pete was his old, younger name. It kind of caught on. Occasionally we will call him Pete within the group, especially if we are trying to tease him. But outside, and now more often inside the group, he is Peter.”

  “He’s grown up, huh?” Gerry asked before taking another sip.

  Nathan looked around the office for a minute. Gerry could almost see his mind replaying the incident with Peter’s dad and Nathan in this very office that decided Peter’s fate. “You know Gerry, for Wechselbalg, he is basically our chosen child. You know that?” Nathan mentioned, somberly, “He was the child sacrificed to the vampires and has risen up to become the leader of our next generation.”

  Now, Gerry felt taken back to that moment. A moment which at the time had felt a lot less momentous and much more spur-of-the-moment decision-making. “Who would have thought?” He concurred with Nathan, “Now, we have three that can turn into Pricolici and we are tied at the hip with one of the most powerful vampires ever to have existed.”

  “The...” Nathan said.

  “What?” Gerry asked, “Do you mean she is stronger than Michael?”

  “Oh, maybe not in sheer physical violence. I imagine he can still take her on
in a one-on-one display. He has a thousand years of practice she doesn’t yet. No, I’m talking about her organization and what she heads up. Bethany Anne has built our group, and we are on the Moon, Gerry.” He took a sip of his own drink, “The damned Moon!”

  Nathan turned to look around the room before coming back to Gerry, “We have over two hundred Wechselbalg volunteers right now, and that is the first wave. I expect by the time we finish with the U.S. and Canada, we will have close to a battalion of Wechselbalg eager to sign up.” He exhaled, “I don’t know if they are signing up because of me, because they need change or because they understand who Bethany Anne is.”

  “Well,” Gerry answered, “My experience suggests no matter the original reason, Bethany Anne will focus their attention where it needs to be.”

  Nathan saluted Gerry with his whiskey and downed his drink.


  TQB Base, Colorado - USA

  Bethany Anne and John walked over to the main offices and through where Cheryl Lynn should have been, but wasn’t. Then she passed where Michael should have been and wasn’t as well. John reached ahead of her and put out a hand.

  She stopped. She could hear everything in the room ahead, and there was no indication of trouble, but she had learned it was easier to be obedient to the hand than to give him too much lip. Besides, she was saving up all of these little indignities for a time when she could get him back.

  Your time is coming, Mr. Grimes, she thought, oh yes, your time is coming.

  Satisfied that everything was safe inside the room, John stood back, and his body posture told Bethany Anne she could walk ahead. Bethany Anne stepped around the corner into the room to find her two missing people. Cheryl Lynn was blushing furiously on the back row, and she noticed Michael sitting next to one of the lawyers. From his profile, he would be Jakob Yadav. She walked down the steps and into the main pit area in front of all of the chairs. She turned around and leaned against the table with her arms crossed.

  “Welcome,” she started. “I understand from the people who vetted you before you arrived that your firms met all of our specific requirements.” She turned to the group from Thuresson and Guaran, “Unfortunately, I don’t recognize any of you. I will presume that Misters Thuresson and Guaran have justification for missing this meeting?”

  The people at the table quickly looked to each other before the person in the chair closest to the aisle spoke, “Hello, Ms. Bethany Anne.”

  Bethany Anne put up a hand, “It is just ‘Bethany Anne’. No honorific necessary.” She nodded for him to continue.

  “Certainly. My name is Will Sethi, and I’m here on behalf of the firm. Misters Thuresson and Guaran were called away on urgent business for a senator and respectfully ask your pardon.” Bethany Anne caught Michael’s slightly negative shaking of his head out of the corner of her eye.

  She pursed her lips.

  ADAM, can you tell me where Misters Thuresson and Guaran are presently?

  >>One moment, Bethany Anne.<<<br />
  “Will,” she said, “would you introduce me to the team?”

  Before Will finished, ADAM came back to her.

  >>Both Thuresson and Guaran are presently at a hunting lodge in Western Canada with two clients and a significant number of single ladies.<<<br />
  How the hell do you know this? I’m not doubting you; I’m just curious.

  >>Mr. Guaran has the location on his personal itinerary with two client names and what company employs them. I found one of his clients are presently sending pictures to a password protected social board of the events for a group of men to view.<<<br />
  “Thank you for your introductions Will, but unfortunately, I was premature when asking for them. I don't believe in wasting time, nor do I believe in falsehoods as a good way to start a relationship. It breeds distrust. As Thuresson and Guaran are presently not on the East Coast of the United States, but rather up in Canada enjoying themselves I can only surmise that either you don’t know, which means they lied to you. Or, you do know, which means that you lied to me.”

  She looked up to John, who started walking down the steps to stand on the floor with her. “Mr. Grimes here will make sure you get to the front gate correctly.” John was talking on his little mic. He was calling Eric to come in from outside to help the people.

  Will looked like he wanted to argue the point, but then just grabbed his laptop and started shoving his books, writing pad and mouse into his bag.

  “Michael,” she spoke very quietly.

  Yes? He replied in her mind.

  Would you check out the third lady from their group? Bethany Anne noticed Michael purse his lips and look like he was studying the whole group.

  She is upset. She had hoped to help win this account so she could work, at least tangentially, with this team because Jennifer loves what she has seen and learned to date. Hmmm, it looks like she has a crush on you.


  She has a professional crush. She has researched everything that is known about you. My, did you know how many websites have sprung up about you?

  God, yes! It’s like the more I try to hide, the more they dig. I’ve had ADAM go through and leave behind some fake crumbs at times and delete stuff occasionally. He has found over seventy-two websites and four Facebook groups.

  Hmm, Michael sent.


  It seems she has a crush on me as well, he replied.

  How could she have a crush on you? What business information is out there on you?

  Not that kind of crush.

  It was a second before Bethany Anne came back to him.

  I will rip your dick off.

  Michael pressed his lips together trying to keep his humor in check. Bethany Anne had become more and more jealous sounding in her comments to him in the last three to four weeks. She never showed anything externally, but occasionally she would make comments like this one to him personally.

  She had apparently decided he was off the market.

  This was all right with him; he had already decided he would focus all of his attention on Bethany Anne. Should I be jealous of all the men that find you attractive?

  Don’t play Mr. Logical with me - I’ll just go illogical on your ass. I’m not the one reading all the minds finding out just how bad these ladies want you.

  I thought we had this conversation already? Tabitha was a fast-track course in not reading minds unless needed.

  This time, it was Bethany Anne’s turn to press her lips together. When Michael finally came clean about all of the ways Tabitha had burned him when she believed he was reading her mind, Bethany Anne couldn’t stop laughing. What should have taken him at most fifteen minutes to tell took him over an hour because she would start laughing again.

  God, she sent to him, don’t you dare say a word about Tabitha! It wasn’t that her mind reading and sending wasn’t considerably stronger since working with Michael so closely; it’s just that she didn’t use it often for philosophical reasons.

  If you can get past your jealousy, what do you want to do about this lady?

  I’m not jealous! Ok, I can’t sell that. I’m only a little jealous and to be fair, you’re my first long term boyfriend in years. You are hunky, rich, powerful, and you’ve got a nice ass. So yeah, you’re all mine.

  He caught her eyes, and she quickly flashed a little red in them.

  Just how fast can we get this over with? Michael asked.

  Why? She asked.

  I want you. Michael answered directly.

  Oh. She mentally paused then asked, give me your rundown.

  Jakob here is ethical, smart and he has honor.

  And? She followed.

  The two dill-weeds, as you are fond of saying, in front of me are thinking how much money they can fleece from the company. The other one here on the right of me is fronting another client as a spy on this trip. He is hoping for a short trip around the premises so he can drop another three listening devices around the base. There is already a b
ug planted in the first secretary’s room up front.

  Boy, wouldn’t he be surprised to learn that room is not occupied? She quipped. She turned to look at John who tweaked just a little when ADAM came over his earpiece asking him to find a bug planted in the front office.

  He took off up the stairs at a steady pace, two steps at a time. Everyone was startled at his sudden disappearance around the corner and Eric’s appearance right as he left to escort the group out. Jennifer Tehgen was surprised when her personal phone beeped with a text. She mumbled an apology as she was confident she had told everyone not to communicate with her while in this meeting unless it was an emergency. She quickly glanced at the phone and then did a double-take.