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It's Hell to Choose Page 7

  Bethany Anne was taking her responsibilities very seriously. She had passed through Gabrielle that she would expect the best and that they, in turn, should expect the most from her in return.

  Akio looked around. There was a temporary stage in this massive hanger. It was in the back of the hanger away from the closed doors. Everyone was brought in through a couple of smaller, regular-sized doors.

  He noticed that a cat-walk went around the whole hanger and had a couple of doors that went somewhere. One looked to go into the next building. He couldn’t tell where the door on the other side of the room went.

  He could hear a second, larger jet powering down outside. Gabrielle mentioned that a group of Wechselbalg was joining them for the introduction this evening. She left it that Bethany Anne would be displeased if anything less than respect was shown to the new group.

  That was enough for his people.

  Then John spoke up and clarified, the Queen’s Own allowed all sort of talk to happen regarding them personally, but disrespect of Bethany Anne was an unacceptable offense. Akio had to smother a small smile when he noticed Gabrielle wince at John’s words, but nodded her head.

  She requested that Akio’s team allow the Queen’s Own to implement the punishment, at least in the beginning should it be necessary.

  His men were arranged seven wide and two rows deep. He was standing in the front. Gabrielle had made sure that Akio’s men were positioned before she disappeared.

  Soon, he could hear the footsteps coming along the tarmac outside.


  Jennifer preferred to just go by her first name. Her last name, Ericson, she hadn’t approved of since she had understood that some Viking ancestor used it to recognize a son and not a daughter. Turning to step onto the stairs which took her to the tarmac below, she was the sixtieth or seventieth person off of the plane. She continued her walk with the rest of the group to the door inside.

  After a short bottleneck as they entered the hanger, they found themselves in a space that was significantly large enough to comfortably contain three times their number.

  She noticed the bright lights and the small stage-looking area in the back. Then she saw the other men.

  The Vampires.

  She continued her pace in line while she watched them out of the corner of her eye. Her group was setting up in lines of fifteen wide. She ended up the second from the end closest to the other group. The were all in traditional garb, all black and passive-faced. They didn’t look upset, but they did look dangerous.

  She knew the ultimate Vampire was Michael. Shit, her parents and even the pack master in Ohio, dick that he was, admitted no one fucked with him. She took her place and faced forward.

  Nathan Lowell was not what the rumors said he was. Well, he was, and he wasn’t. He was another name that was used to scare her generation to ‘be good’. It had worked, mostly. Jennifer desperately wanted to turn her head and stare over at the Vampires and check them out.

  Some of the guys in the group had already hit her up, but she was tired of Werewolf concepts of dating and wanted to learn what other options there were. Jennifer didn’t want to mess with the rules surrounding bringing a human into the ‘UnknownWorld’. That meant she couldn’t involve a regular human in anything but a very short-term relationship. So, it left Vampires for her to check out.

  She twitched her eyes and looked to her left. She wondered how old they were. That was one problem with dating Werewolves. You never knew how old they were until you took a good look into their eyes. The skin can stay young, but age and experience color the view into a person’s soul; so far Jennifer had never found someone who could hide their age inside.

  When she went to see Nathan Lowell, she got a chance to meet one of the other ‘rock stars’ of the Werewolf communities. Well, at least to the women in the community. They wanted to meet the woman who was able to capture Nathan Lowell and take him off the market. While Jennifer heard plenty of catty comments, Nathan was never someone she had been interested in herself. If she couldn’t deal with Were guys her own age, she didn’t expect to enjoy the company of someone as old as Nathan.

  But that didn’t mean she didn’t enjoy the eye-candy. Nathan was a good-looking man, and she did experience a little jealousy because… Shit! The man was seriously gorgeous. Enough that if he wasn’t hitched, Jennifer would have had to reconsider her ‘No Wechselbalg’ rule. When Ecaterina had joined her mate a few minutes later, Jennifer told herself that she was happy to know that Nathan was off limits because she didn’t date Weres. Of course, it was not because his mate was insanely beautiful and Jennifer had less of a shot at him.

  Jennifer didn’t consider herself a slouch in the looks department. But there is ‘Hot’ and ‘Oh My God’. Jennifer was ‘Hot’, Ecaterina was either OMG or OMFG depending if one preferred blonds or not.

  Until she spoke in her Romanian accent. That moved her to OMFG whether you preferred blonds or not.

  Jennifer watched Nathan bow, then shake hands with the Vampire who were standing in the front lines. Nathan had changed clothes and now stood in all black. It looked like he was ready to have a match right then. He wore a spandex-looking shirt. She looked harder and could make out the ‘UA’ logo. He was in pants suitable for sparring. The same martial art pants style the Vampires wore.

  Somebody was expecting some fights tonight, she mused.

  The noise behind her stopped, and Nathan finished his conversation to look up and over to the door behind her. He turned back and bowed to the Vampire and then walked over to stand in front of the Wechselbalg line. She noticed a faint pleasant scent waft back to her. She looked at the people in front of her to see Ecaterina standing up front.

  Ecaterina was still so newly changed that she occasionally wore a perfume while in her human form. It was a minor trait that Jennifer rather liked. It reminded her that all of them were basically human, just with enhancements.

  Another door opened to her right up ahead, but she couldn’t see past the guy two rows in front. She was going to nickname him ‘TDT for ‘too damned tall’.

  It became apparent who they were in a moment. The first guy was Dan Bosse, the head of Bethany Anne’s military, the second was Lance Reynolds, Bethany Anne's father and then six of the Queen's Own took the stage. The first two looked like they were in command fatigues. Gabrielle was dressed like Nathan, but four of the Queen’s Own were not.

  That made her swallow. She noticed the patch on their shoulders. It was a white vampire skull on a red background with dark black hair and red eyes. It was the patch worn by the Queen’s Bitches.

  These were the guys that executed for disrespect and every one of them wore arms. Her eyes opened wide when she recognized the fifth Queen’s Own.

  It was Peter Silvers, the first Pricolici to kill a Vampire in hundreds of years. She had to shut her mouth just a little. He was the undisputed bad-boy of her generation and almost a poster-boy of immaturity. At least, that was according to the rumors swirling around him before he got involved with this outfit.

  He sure as hell didn’t look immature at the moment. He looked badass and ready to shoot anyone in the audience. Well, if he didn’t change forms and just rip their head off. He had a Queen’s Guardians Patch on one arm, but the Queen’s Bitch’s patch was up top.

  Apparently, once a Bitch, always a Bitch.

  Dan Bosse stepped up to the front of the stage. In the audience, there wasn’t one individual who needed him to use a microphone.

  “Hello,” he started, “My name is Dan Bosse. I am in charge of field operations for Bethany Anne. While I will get to know many of you soon enough, know that I have been aware of and fighting in the UnknownWorld for multiple decades. Both in skirmishes, then as a leader of men fighting the Nosferatu. It was during one of these episodes that Bethany Anne came in and teamed up to help us out of a well-executed ambush.”

  He looked over the audience, “It will be my responsibility to implement the tactics and strateg
ies to accomplish the priorities Bethany Anne puts in front of me. Understand this,” his mouth turned grim, “I will be implementing efforts that will put you in harm’s way. Some of you will die attempting to attain these goals. Every one of these aims will contribute to eventually keep all of us free. Some of them will be focused on making sure ‘we’ are free. Free to proceed with our own plans to be prepared for the future. I will be around to talk with your teams over the next couple of days. Use this time wisely so you know what your leadership is like.”

  He stepped back into the group.

  “My name…” came a voice like death floating on a volcanoes hot sulphurous exhaust. Jennifer jerked her head towards the Vampires because where they had been almost statues this whole time, now every one of them looked around with their heads. She saw at least a couple of Wechselbalg in every line physically turn around to try and find the source of the voice. The voice reverberated in her ears, in her mind.

  It felt of power, of age, of command.

  “…Is Michael.”

  “Ohhh, SHIT!” Jennifer checked her mouth, thank god it wasn’t her talking! She caught the guy next to her putting a hand over his own mouth.

  She wanted to laugh in her fright.

  The Vampires seemed to struggle to keep themselves standing as they were. She was told Michael was part of this group; she had even ’seen’ pictures and video of a guy they were saying was Michael with Bethany Anne around the world. But most people just figured it was a model. The ‘boogeyman’ of the UnknownWorld seemed too young, too fun and frankly too happy to be the Michael from the stories.

  Everyone was wrong. Jennifer could ‘feel’ him around her, speaking to everyone and no one all at the same time.

  Then, suddenly he was at the front of the stage with his hands tucked behind his back, looking out over the audience. He turned to face the Vampires and bowed ever so slightly in response to their bows. “Please, attend.” He spoke, and every pair of eyes obeyed.

  “I have heard the gossip regarding my activities with Bethany Anne and how they are occasionally captured by camera and other means. Because of this, the thought was that I could not possibly be who I was rumored to be. I would tell you to ask those who have dishonored me in the past if I am who I say I am…”

  He smiled grimly as he continued, “But they are all dead.”

  For a quick moment, a wave of fear went out from him and it was all Jennifer could do to lock her knees and stand still.

  Suddenly, the fear and desire to run away evaporated, and Michael smiled broadly. “My apologies, I’ve been told by Bethany Anne that I should stop being a ‘Royal Asshat’.” He looked around, “After a thousand years, old habits are hard to break.” The smile stayed on his face, but everyone noticed the quick visage change with the glaring red eyes.

  It was a warning, and everyone watching ‘received’ his warning.

  “You know…” came a contralto voice from behind those on the floor. She noticed Michael look up behind them, so everyone turned to see a woman with dark hair up on the catwalk. She was wearing black leather pants, strapped on pistols and had a Katana as well. “I could let Michael continue his usual method of …” Then she disappeared, and Jennifer heard the rest of the sentence from the front again.

  She turned to see Bethany Anne on the stage looking out over the audience, “…intimidation. However, suffice it to say that you do not want to piss him off. He is trying hard to learn the new reality, but he does occasionally slip.” She looked over at him with a small grimace on her face, “Like now.”

  Fucking hell! Jennifer thought. The video’s and the pictures on the web didn’t do this woman justice. Bethany Anne just created a new level above OMFG. Jennifer bit her lip, she was allowing her level of ‘freak out’ to free her mind to wander instead of gibber in fear.


  Bethany Anne turned to the Vampires. She started to take a step and disappeared, only to appear in front of the head Vampire.


  Akio was doing everything he could to not bow to Michael. The sheer amount of power emanating from him answered the question most Vampires had in his part of the world.

  Michael was real, and his power was hard to deny.

  Then, suddenly, the pressure was gone, and Michael was apologizing. Akio turned to see who Michael was looking at and there she was.

  His Queen.

  Akio noticed the sword attached to her back and her weapons. She was no Kamiko Kana. This woman was a warrior, first. This is how she chose to introduce herself to her people, her fighters.

  And even the fabled Michael felt honored to listen to her … command? No, she called him a ‘Royal Asshat.’ Akio wasn’t sure of the meaning, but he understood it wasn’t a proper title.

  Then, she was on the stage and turned towards them. She took a step and was standing within arms reach.

  He dropped to a knee, with all of his men behind him as they kneeled to her.

  “My name is Bethany Anne” she said. “There is a requirement I require before receiving your pledge of loyalty, and that is honesty.” She turned slightly towards the Wechselbalg, “In committing service to a liege there is honor on both sides, honor is honesty, faithfulness, obedience. It is built on trust, confidence and actions.”

  Bethany Anne turned back to the small Vampire group. “Kamiko Kana was none of these. She accepted pledges and dealt in false faith. As was required when evil commits dishonor, I sent my Own to make right the scales of justice. I take your pledge of life, of honor, of ability, in an exchange with my own to you.”

  She looked down at the man in front of her, “Stand Akio,”

  Akio stood as she untied the Katana sheath from her back. The saya was exquisite, etched wood both beautifully polished and ages old. Akio’s eyes opened in shock.

  This was a fabled sword, one thought lost. This was the sword which could decide whether one deserved death or not.

  “This is my sword, delivered to me by my servant Stephen, Michael’s brother.”

  It was a second time Akio’s eyes opened wider yet.

  “I am handing it to the Queen’s Elite, to rest in your sanctum and be protected and ready for use when your Queen needs it. It shall always be ready, always be sharp, and always be protected. Is this demand honorable and do the Queen’s Elite accept this charge?”

  Akio bowed deeply and raised up. He held out both hands to receive the saya and the Katana to his care. He turned to face his men, “In your Queen’s name, rise.” He spoke. All fourteen men stood as one and all viewed the saya as he held it up at eye level.

  “Our Queen entrusts us to protect her sword. As we will use ours to protect her and implement her decrees. Honor is restored to us through trust. Honorably will we serve, in Honor we will die.”

  All fourteen men bowed to Akio, who then turned and bent to Bethany Anne, “My Queen, We are Yours.”

  Bethany Anne turned to the other Vampires, “Accepted.” All of them stood tall with their hands behind their backs. Bethany Anne reached over to touch Akio, “Come with me.” Everyone who could see the two were shocked when Bethany Anne and Akio disappeared to reappear on the stage. She turned as Akio got his bearing from the sudden disappearance and reappearance, “Gabrielle?”

  Gabrielle took a few steps and came up beside the two. Akio was trying to keep the shock off his face, “Please provide Akio a place here on the stage.”

  Gabrielle bowed slightly to Akio, “Welcome!” Akio was momentarily astounded with all of the smiles surrounding him. Scott and Peter separated for him to step up between them. Akio noticed John looking at him and saw the huge man wink. Turning in place, Akio looked to view his men.

  Bethany Anne had just returned the Honor they desperately needed. His chest was filled with the feeling that this is what the samurai knew in the ages long ago. The undying desire to merge the religious with the physical. The knowledge that honor existed in two directions and that life was now focused and balanced.

  Peter leaned towards him. Akio could perceive the Were smell on him, “Here.” Akio held the sword in one hand and reached down with his left to feel a small piece of fabric delivered to him. He took a second to glance at it.

  It was a patch. The same patch all of the Queen's Own wore here on the stage.

  The head of the Queen’s Elite was now a member of the Queen’s Bitches.

  “It’s got a sticky, rip off the back and apply it to your shoulder… Oh shit.” Akio noticed Pete’s eyes focused ahead, and Akio turned to see Bethany Anne looking in their direction and realized she had heard Pete’s voice.

  She took a couple of steps towards them, but she was smiling at Peter, who was grinning back. “Always a trouble-maker, Pete?” She held out her hand. Everyone on the stage was leaning around each other to see what was going on.