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It's Hell to Choose Page 8

  “It was…ahh, fuck it. It was me!” He grinned.

  “Yeah, I’ll bet.” She glanced over towards John, who was intentionally looking elsewhere. “Give it to me.”

  Akio handed his Queen the patch. “Turn to your left, Akio.” He could see those in front of him smiling and decided to enjoy the turn of events, even if it originally seemed like it was trouble. He stood there as she peeled the backing off of the patch and affixed it to his sleeve. She pressed hard to make a good seal. “Akio, before your clan, before the Guardians, the Queen’s Own and myself, you are now Akio of the Queen’s Bitches.”

  Akio smiled back at his Queen and was surprised when everyone on stage started hollering congratulations and pounding him on the back. He noticed that even those out on the floor, in both groups, were cheering for him.

  Akio took his place in the lineup and waited for the next part in the play.


  Kurt Williams had been a little bored through the event. He was standing just behind and to the right of Nathan Lowell, who had mentioned an opportunity to fight.

  Now, fighting was where Kurt excelled, and it was something he was very, very good at. While he had been respectful of Nathan, he didn’t believe all the hype Nathan kept spewing out related to the group of humans.

  And, oh yes, they were humans! He could smell them clearly. Kurt wasn’t disrespectful at all, he wanted to fight against some of the best and see what he could do. While he could have fought, and had a good chance of winning had he challenged the Alpha of the pack, he didn’t want the responsibilities that came with it.

  He just loved to fight.

  The adrenaline rush, the slowdown of reality, the twitch of weight to another leg that heralded the attack to come, and the rush to defend or mitigate the opponent’s efforts was where he lived to be.

  When Kurt understood that Nathan was asking him to sign up for a four-year stint in a group which was focused on becoming the best fighters, it was like asking a geek if they wanted the latest video card for their gaming machine.

  When asked a simple question, he gave a simple answer, “Where do I sign up?” Kurt turned to his father, who smiled and told him, “See you on holidays, son.” Kurt looked down to see his father’s hand held out to him.

  His Dad understood. Kurt shook his father’s hand, had his mother cry against his chest, and was told to ‘learn something besides how to stop fists with his face!’ The day came to go to the airport, and he had grabbed his duffle. His father met him at the door, and no one spoke the whole way to the airport.

  His father understood him like that. They shook, hugged in the man-way of pounding each other on the back, and his Dad only said, “See you on leave, son.”

  And that was that.

  Kurt was impressed with the jet they had lined up for them, and when he approached the airplane, Nathan pointed to him, and designated an area to the side of him. He walked over as Nathan told him to drop his duffel by the other luggage on the ground, and to stand with him.

  Nathan did that four other times with new arrivals, and in the end, five recruits waited together. Kurt thought about what Nathan was doing when the person after him radiated a barely-controlled desire to fight, and was followed by a third person with the same attitude. It was evident. Every one of the five could see the same fire they looked at in the mirror each morning reflected back at them from the others around Nathan.

  They all wanted to test themselves. Nathan didn’t force his dominance on anyone. It just ‘was’. The desire to prove himself against anyone and everyone that needed to fight folded when colliding with the indomitable will of Nathan Lowell.

  Around Nathan, peace reigned.

  Even when his mate came up and spoke with him, none of them felt a need to puff out their chests. Kurt was surprised to find out later what happened when he found himself alone with Ecaterina. His need subsumed itself like a puppy around any dominant alpha.

  Kurt knew the stories of Ecaterina’s ability to change to a Pricolici, but this was the first time he understood she carried that same calmness within her. He idly wondered what she looked like when she got angry and then smiled as a quote from an old tv show came back to him, ‘Don’t make me angry, you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry!’.

  Now, he was curious. The calm around Nathan was in effect, but soon he understood he was going to be able to let the challenge erupt from his throat…


  John Grimes watched as Bethany Anne turned back around from helping Akio place the patch on his arm. John was the one who had made a point of making sure the Vampires knew that they were ‘in’ the group. He wouldn’t allow any team to hang out in the wind. They were either in, or they were out.

  Michael had confirmed their desire to support Bethany Anne. If any of them had been a problem, Michael’s entrance into the event would have been very different. It would have been preceeded with the sudden deaths of Vampires and a very bloody Michael appearing amongst the carnage.

  This was one point Michael wasn’t willing to bend on with Bethany Anne. He absolutely, positively wouldn’t allow a shadow of doubt regarding the oaths she would accept from the Vampires. Each would be willing to follow Bethany Anne into death, or he would kill them himself before Bethany Anne accepted their oath.

  No one, to Michael’s best ability, was going to come around Bethany Anne that was a risk. John figured ‘hell no’ was Michael going to confess to Bethany Anne everything he did to make sure she was safe. John knew of a couple of times Michael had just 'handled' someone, and as her guard, he approved.

  John didn’t give a flip that a couple of minds had been tweaked, and people sent away. John figured better to be sent away than another two deaths. Michael was a much better man than before, but the armor between the new Michael and the old Michael was rife with holes, and the old Michael was always a breath away of coming out.

  At least it was where Bethany Anne was concerned. For Michael personally, he rolled with the punches much better. Peter had come into the meeting room a little earlier and held out his hand to Michael and asked, “So, how’s the Dark Lord of the Sith this evening?”

  John had wanted to both slap Pete for being glib and simultaneously put his face in his hand so he didn’t see the carnage. He was shocked when Michael shook Pete’s hand and told him in a stage whisper with a smile, “That is supposed to be a secret, young apprentice!”

  John looked over to Eric whose mouth was open and then Gabrielle, who had turned from her conversation to stare in shock at Michael as well.

  Pete shrugged, “That’s ok, the unknown and unwashed heathens will never figure it out!” Pete then looked around and asked, “Where are the cookies and milk?”

  Michael pointed back behind him, “Cheryl Lynn has them set up back there.”

  Now, Bethany Anne was ready to speak to the group, and John brought his musing to a halt.


  Bethany Anne looked out over the group and paused.

  Thoughts, TOM?

  Wait, What? Why are you asking me something?

  Take a look out there, what do you see?


  I see over a hundred and fifteen people modified by Kurtherians in one way or another. I see humans that are lining up to die, TOM. I see humans having to deal with changes to their bodies, some for over a century.

  I…I’m sorry, Bethany Anne. I hadn’t stopped to consider this.

  I know, TOM. I’m not judging you. I’m reminding both of us that we are setting up some of these in front of us to die. Perhaps here on Earth, maybe in space. Friends, brothers, family and compatriots. I’m afraid the chatter ADAM has found, and now Frank is watching, is confirming we are going to be against powerful agencies here on Earth, as well.

  All I can do is tell you what I know of the Clans. Well, that and I know there are other Races out there that love to fight.

  Well? So do Humans.

  Bethany Anne spoke clearly, “You have been int
roduced in one form or fashion to every person up here. Some by Gabrielle, some by Nathan.” She looked over to the Wechselbalg.

  “The differences between Vampires and Wechselbalg are due to technology, nothing more. The reality is both alien technologies which affect us were introduced here on Earth for one thing - war.”

  There was a slight stirring on the Wechselbalg side. She noticed Ecaterina in the back of the group. The way she understood it, they had a calming effect on the Wechselbalg’s innate desire to act up.

  “You have heard the news, and you know some of the details. We are presently working to expand our base on the moon, complete our first space station, start mining for materials, and build the production facilities to create spacecraft.”

  This time, the murmurs increased a little as they took in the scope of what she just said. The moon base had been explained to them. The space station was new information and so were the production facilities.

  Fortunately, Jakob Yadav had already started handling the ‘requests for her time’ coming from a multitude of interests. Some news organizations, some non-profit, some business and a few related to countries.

  Including Paraguay. While Paraguayans were ‘proud’ that their country was the first to go to space with the new technology, they weren’t very happy about not knowing before everyone else. Officials from the government had arrived at the location where TQB testing had occurred with their military helicopters to find nothing but a large area devoid of trees and mud.

  Lots and lots of mud.

  Bethany Anne continued, “We will be making choices. Not just for ourselves, but for our neighbors. Those next door, those across the city, another state, and other countries. We will be making choices for those we love, and those we hate.” She looked around. “Understand this statement, you will be fighting for those who hate you, vilify you, and would spit on you. Well,” she smiled at them, “If they could spit up to space, anyway!”

  She received a few chuckles. “We won’t get there without upsetting a lot of people. They won’t understand because I’m not going to tell them ‘why’ we are doing this. We are working on ways to handle the bad press. But the reality is most will choose what is easy rather than what is hard. Especially when what they have to go on is a vague concept of the enemy at best.”

  “Hard is just fucking hard!” She grinned, “And if there is one thing we know, it's that hard is what we do better than anyone.” Her smile turned feral, “And when challenged, we hit back, and we hit back hard. If others play nice, we play nice.”

  “If not?” she sighed loudly, the weight of leadership heavy on her shoulders, “Then it’s hell to choose, but I will choose the future over the present. I will choose opportunity over status quo, and I will choose freedom over subjugation.”

  She continued, “There is always freedom to choose. Freedom to make something of yourself as we move forward. This group is composed of a lot of Americans, and due to that, some ‘Americanisms’ are bound to occur. The first is that you respect leadership, but trust comes with time, with testing, and with trials.”

  “I am to understand that every Wechselbalg here has been informed you may test your prowess against my Own, my Guardian's lead and should you pass, you may test your mettle against me?”

  This caused a murmur again. No one had told them they could rise up high enough to fight Bethany Anne herself.

  “No?” She grinned, “That is because where you come from, fighting is a sport. My team has been tested in fire, in blood, in bullets, and in mayhem. We have fought in the Florida Everglades, from the countries in South America to the mountains of Turkey, and beyond to Asia. I’ll be honest, your chance of beating any on this stage is infinitesimally small. However, I leave that option open. If you can win through, you get to fight me.”

  She turned to the Vampires, “I understand your oath restricts you from this display. Just know we will spar later. I will have you understand your present limitations and how I expect you to step up!”

  A complete hush fell across as Bethany Anne allowed her visage to change, her eyes to glow red as she turned back to look at both groups. The Vampires went down to one knee as her fangs grew and she pushed out her mind towards all in attendance and sent her voice into each one staring at her now.

  My name is Bethany Anne. I am the Queen Bitch. I am the only one you will kneel to until you die, or leave my service. For some, that means on your shield, for others when your agreement is up.

  Until that time, you are forbidden to answer to anyone but who I appoint. No outside interest controls you, commands you, or summons you, but me.

  Is this understood?

  Even the five standing behind Nathan shouted their ‘Yes!’ with gusto.

  Nathan himself was having trouble coming to grips with the change in his leader since he left to go work with the Wechselbalg. When he had left, Bethany Anne was a leader, charismatic and decisive.

  Now? Now she commanded all of those attributes and a force of will elevated above what she had before. She was truly a Queen now; it wasn’t just her title.

  It is who she had become!


  Jakob was waiting for Bethany Anne when she stepped into his office. He looked up and smiled, “How did it go?”

  Darryl had poked his head in right before Bethany Anne’s arrival. Jakob could hear him snort from right outside his door and say, “About like a rambunctious high school football player deciding he was good enough to play in the pros. It was over so fast that the last contestant admitted he wasn’t expecting much, but he just had to know. So, this time, John didn’t break any of his bones, he just picked him up and knocked him out.”

  “I take it they all want to go against John?”

  Bethany Anne grinned as she took the cushy black chair that was in his office. “It was a gimme.” she got comfortable. “Once Nathan planted the seeds that John was the one to beat, the first guy called him out.”

  “What happened?” Jakob had been curious, but Bethany Anne had told him it wouldn’t have gone over very well for the Weres to know they had been humiliated in front of humans.

  “Well, John got to get a little exercise and five Weres got to take a nap. He broke legs and arms to make sure they got the picture that to fuck with him was a really, really bad idea. Never broke up a sweat, but would allow them to throw a few punches, kicks, or attacks. That would go on until Michael would casually pull up an arm to review his watch and call ‘time.' Then John would go on the offensive. He would usually catch the next attack. If it were a punch, he would stop the fist in mid air, then break their arm and punch them out. Same idea if it was a kick.”

  Darryl’s voice came again from the hallway, “Tell him about you and Michael!”

  She rolled her eyes. “Once the display of man testosterone was finished. Michael and I took the middle and went at it. First, we did it at normal speed, then twice as fast. When we got our rhythm down, we upped it twice more.”

  Darryl peeked around the corner, “You should have seen the Vampires after the third rampup. They couldn’t even see the hits anymore, and they honest-to-god started talking to each other. They had been eeriely quiet the whole time. Now, they wouldn’t shut up. Finally, the two fighting cranked up the speed one more time, and even Gabrielle was having a hard time seeing what was going on.”

  Darryl turned back to make sure nothing was happening in the corridor before turning to look back into the office. “She was upset when she realized you hadn’t been sparring with her as fast as you could!”

  Bethany Anne shrugged, “It was Michael. I’ve had to up my game going against him just to hold my own. I can punch at him, but a lot of the time he would switch over to myst and I wouldn’t have anything to hit. God, was it frustrating!”

  Her little outburst told Jakob everything he needed to know about how competitive she was. She would rise to any occasion. Defeat wasn’t an option.

  For her part, Bethany Anne wasn’t goin
g to admit that she had TOM go through every part of her body, and they had gone back up to the Spaceship to implement an update to the synapse firings to make her as fast as she could be.

  She couldn’t beat Michael, but now he wasn’t able to take her either. Whenever he tried to myst to take her by surprise, she was too shrewd to stay in one place. Even when she tested staying still, she was finally able to sense his materialization and get out of the way in time.

  She had been crowing to herself one time about her skills when TOM admitted there were others in the Universe that would be a difficult challenge for her. It had splashed a cold bucket of ice-water on her jubilation to realize her present skills, while elite, just put her up in a group of maybe thirty or forty of the best martial fighters in the nearby galaxy that TOM was aware of back in his time.